About Us

About Us

Our story begins when we fell in love with coffee. But, don’t all coffee company origin stories begin that way? Like, how they moved to a town with lousy cafes and ended up starting their own? Or how they first roasted their beans in a popcorn popper and then grew into a regional empire? Those are great origin stories. But that’s not ours.

We are Joni and Stephen Casimiro. You might know us from Adventure Journal. Or, further back in the day, from Nat Geo or Surfer or Powder or Bike magazines. We are and always have been passionate coffee drinkers. Coffee has fueled our alpine starts on mountain climbs, sunny mornings camping in Joshua Tree, and surf checks deep in Baja. On vacation in 1991, after surviving the largest earthquake in Costa Rican history, the one thing we had to do before flying home was stuff our backpacks with burlap bags of freshly roasted beans. Coffee is woven into the fabric of our lives.

Coffee makes us happy. Long weekends make us happy. We launched this brand to connect the two. Not just to bring you great speciality roasts, but also to celebrate the awesomeness that is extended time off. Think about what you can do in three days, or perhaps four. Nap in a hammock, run an ultra, learn to surf…all in the same weekend if you want.

Look, we weren’t born to pay bills and die. Long weekends reframe our priorities and restore our balance. They reconnect us to the incredible miracle of being alive and the joys of good, clean fun. They remind us that the little moments really aren’t little, that we should live in the present, and that we should let ourselves be warmed from the inside. Starting, of course, with coffee.